The Benefits Of Website Templates.
One of the most important decisions you must make when it comes to your school website is whether you are going to use a template or create a custom web design. With a custom website, you start from the ground up, using HTML, CSS, JQuery and ASP.Net to craft a site that caters specifically to your needs and your brand. When using a template, you are able to choose from our established websites which you can adjust to fit your needs.
Time is money. Your website will be up-and-running within a fraction of the time it takes to develop a custom website – provided, of course, that you have the content and the pictures ready to customize your website template to suit you. A custom-designed website can take months to develop, depending on its complexity. Compare that time-frame to the few days or even hours for a website template to become a full-fledged website.
Our professionally designed website templates come pre-loaded with standard pages like ‘home’, ‘about’, ‘curriculum’, and ‘contact’. Plug-ins give you add-on features to showcase a photo gallery, blog, newsletter or bulletin board. With a ready made website template, you don’t have to imagine what the finished product will look like, whether the designer has understood your requirements, whether your website will have to go through several changes and iterations before you’re satisfied with the end-product. The website template can be customized to your requirements by changing the colors, pictures and text so that it ends up looking quite different from the original and unique to your school.
• choose any template or variation
• customise with your own colours and fonts
• add your own unique logo
• upload your own photos or choose from our stock library
• different colour themes for maps
• widgets for social sharing