Cost Effective School Websites.
With budgets being slashed and demands on resources, you need a website developer that knows exactly what you need and will not charge you a fortune.
With the use of imaginative yet meticulous design we will ensure your website represents your schools values and allows the inspiring educational environment you offer to shine through. We can help your school website become a vibrant and engaging hub for staff, students, parents and the entire community. Let us help you make the most of your digital opportunity to promote your school as well as deliver exceptional marketing solutions focusing on the unique ambitions and needs of your school.
Spread the upfront cost and keep your website up to date, with our optional maintenance contracts.
Updating content and running regular website maintenance are key to maximising return visits by both current and potential parents, staff and pupils. A website maintenance contract is also crucial in ensuring your website is kept safe and secure. A neglected website results in old and outdated information. The lack of new content may dissuade repeat visits and even send a message to parents that the website has been abandoned. Spread the upfront cost over a number of years by opting for an ongoing contract.